Terms & Conditions

This website’s access implies the acceptance of our terms and conditions, based on the legislation, as well as the respect for its content.
The available content is provided by aa.com, which owns the intellectual and industrial property of the website aacom.pt, and is also responsible for the website’s creation, management and maintenance.


By accessing this site, you indicate that you agree with the terms and conditions stated, which implies the information displayed will not be used for fraudulent purposes.

Revision of Terms

aa.com reserves the right to review the present Terms and Conditions; for that reason, we advise you to read them every time you visit our website.

Ao abrigo da Lei n.º 144/2015, de 8 de setembro, que transpõe a Diretiva 2013/11/UE, do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 21 de maio de 2013 a Virtualp aderiu ao centro de arbitragem de conflitos de consumo de Lisboa, CACCL – Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos Consumo, com os seguintes contactos:

Rua dos Douradores, nº 116 – 2º
1100 – 207 Lisboa
Tel.:218 80 70 30
Mais informações em http://www.centroarbitragemlisboa.pt/.

To clarify any question related to the
present Terms & Conditions, please contact:

aa.com – Anabela Almeida.Com, Lda
Avenida de Pádua, nº 3 –Edificio 1, Bloco B, Piso 1/0, Estúdio G – 1800 294 Lisboa
Telefone: 21 192 9707 | E-mail: geral@aacom.pt